by Maribeth | May 14, 2017 | Recipes
The warm seasons are upon us and you may notice the days getting longer. As the light in your environment expands, so too does the light within yourself.
This is the perfect time to recognize and be mindful of the serenity that external and internal light offer, to trust your inner wisdom and listen to your intuition.
Here are ways to develop your intuition:
As we move into adulthood we often find ourselves listening to societal norms rather than our own intuition. Like anything else in life, the more you practice using your intuition, the easier it will get. Meditation, particularly with a focus on the third eye chakra, helps enhance relaxed awareness and allows us to tune into the intuition that we often push to the side. Meditation is mindful intuitive practice.
Live in the Now
Since our higher selves have no concept of earthly time, our intuition resides in the now. Therefore, if your mind is living in the past or future, it makes it difficult for your intuition to speak to you. When you find your mind wandering from the present, consider the following quote from Lao Tzu: “If you are depressed, you are living in the past. If you are anxious, you are living in the future. If you are at peace, you are living in the present.”
Talk to Your Higher Self
Consider your inner dialogue. Are you mindful of the language you choose when you speak to yourself? Are you sending signals to the universe that express your desires, or are you really expressing your worry around your desires? For example, would you say, “I am always sick” or “I love being healthy”? What you say to yourself, and the way you say it, is an important part of guiding your intuition. Use your inner wisdom and be kind to yourself by re-directing your negative thoughts and turning them into positive ones.
Click here to read “The Art of Directing Negative Thoughts”
All humans have been given the gift of intuition, we just need to be reminded how to use it from time to time. With practice and patience, your intuition will help your inner light shine bright.
by Maribeth | May 3, 2017 | Recipes
Thinking about the complex process of your body can be a reminder to keep the momentum of the healthy lifestyle inspired by your cleanse.
Cleanses or detoxes are one of the most effective ways to restore vitality and balance in the body and mind. The sluggishness you feel during a cleanse is from your body working hard to remove the buildup of toxins. The energy you feel after a cleanse is a result of the body being able to have the space to rest and repair itself. Give your body and mind the space it needs to keep you healthy. Read more
Take it easy. Just because your cleanse has ended does not mean that your body is not still working hard to remove toxins.
You might find that emotions are still arising that need to be processed, and although you might find that you have an abundance of energy, don’t feel the need to jump into vigorous exercise. Allow yourself time and space to integrate your cleansing experience into your everyday life. Try transitioning into a more active lifestyle with yoga, or a walk in nature.
It is important that you ease back into a diverse and complex diet.
You may have noticed that you no longer have cravings for certain foods. This is because your digestive system is working optimally and is satiated, therefore your body does not need to crave. Eating whole foods, including fruits, vegetables, legumes, grains, nuts, and seeds, will keep your digestive fires burning.
Create a daily routine that encourages the elimination of toxins and rejuvenation of the body and mind. This will help you wake up each morning feeling restored.
Think back to why you wanted to do the cleanse in the first place. Use your goals and intentions to establish and maintain your routine. Understand that your routine will change, depending on what is going on in your life, and that you will need to adapt.
Doing a cleanse helps you understand what it feels like to be in a state of balance, so when you get out of balance you know that you do not have to stay that way. You know what it feels like to be energized and full of life. So remember, it’s okay if you slip up once in a while as you transition back to your regular life. And if you end up eating that yummy chocolate chip cookie, take time to enjoy its deliciousness.
by Maribeth | Apr 26, 2017 | Recipes
As we prepare for this month’s spring cleanse, you might want to consider the ways in which you can prepare ahead of time in order to get the best detox possible. Here are some suggestions:
1. Work on the mind
Cleansing can generate mental and emotional triggers, so establish a supportive environment with family and friends. Let them know the intentions and goals of your cleanse and approach the cleanse with an open, peaceful mind. Know that things might come up, but they will also pass if you put in the work. Work on clearing your internal clutter before, during, and after your cleanse. Learn more
2. Allow additional time to sleep
During a successful detox, your body focuses on cleansing and healing. This may leave you feeling fatigued and moody, or you may feel more energized and unable to sleep as much at night. In order to keep your body balanced, take a nap if your schedule will allow it, or get to bed earlier to ensure that you give your body a sufficient amount of rest.
3. Hydrate with plenty of water
It is essential that you stay properly hydrated during your cleanse. Drink half your weight of water in ounces throughout your cleanse and try to drink only purified water.
4. Allow your body to sweat
Sweating opens your pores and will allow your body to detox from the inside out. Go outside and sit in the sun (with sunscreen on to protect your skin from the rays) and let the vitamin D soak into your skin, relax your mood, and boost immunity. Avoid high intensity workouts and opt for something with lower intensity like yoga or taking a walk.
5. Practice dry brushing before you shower
Dry brushing massages the lymph nodes in your body which helps the body shed excess water and toxins. Not only does it give you smoother skin, it improves digestion and organ function as well.
If you are signed up for the April juice cleanse, be on the lookout for an email from Maribeth about other things you can do to prepare for your upcoming detox.
by Maribeth | Apr 19, 2017 | Recipes
Spring is your chance to come out of the hibernation of winter and get outdoors to remind yourself of your place on this glorious earth, in this space and time.
Spring is the time our sacred sun shines its rays over our planet and begins to balance out the darkness and lightness of our days. It is a time of easing out the necessary death of winter and welcoming and rejoicing birth and life. It is the time to open your windows and breathe fresh air, to listen to the happy tune of birds and to watch the life that co-exists on our planet connect with growth. While it is important to welcome spring by cleaning your mind, body, and home, it is equally important to welcome spring by getting outdoors.
Here are some ways to connect to the energy of spring outdoors:
- Greet the day with outdoor meditation and sunrise yoga
- Spend as much time in the sun as possible, while remembering to protect yourself from the rays
- Have a picnic
- Grow a garden
- Make time for sun salutations and be conscious and grateful for your connection with the vibrational energy of light
- Celebrate outdoor activities that involve color: paint flower pots, plan a colorful meal where everyone brings foods in vibrant colors, plant seeds and mark them with colorful ribbons
- Exercise outdoors while being conscious and grateful for movement and for the natural beauty that surrounds you
- Splash in the water
Get outside and play! Smell the flowers! Tilt your face to the sun and smile with gratitude at the new day that has been given to you on this glorious planet that connects all life in perfect harmony.
Click here to learn more about how to energize your spirit and home.
by Maribeth | Apr 12, 2017 | Recipes
The main philosophy of yoga is that the mind, body, and spirit are one and cannot be separated.
It is no surprise then, that if we are feeling out of balance in one of those areas, we feel dis-ease. In order to maintain balance, you must be mindful and find harmony in the way you eat, breathe, drink and live.
Toxic thoughts and emotions can change the chemistry of your brain, and if chronic can even change the pathways in your brain.
Have you ever experienced abdominal pain when you are upset? This happens because when your brain is alarmed by an emotion, it sends signals to other parts of your body, especially your intestines, where functioning can shift due to exposure to any kind of toxicity. What is more, if you don’t deal with the toxicity in your body caused by negative thoughts and emotions, your experiences can get stored in your memory and can stay there for a long time. This is one reason why it is not easy to let go of childhood traumas; because the memories have been stored for so long. Learn more
The good news is that through mindfully cleansing your body, spirit and mind, it is possible to reverse toxicity in your physical, emotional, mental, and environmental life.
This month at Inlet Yoga, we are working on clearing toxicity in our minds, bodies, and spirits through a Group Juice Cleanse that will include detoxifying yoga classes. We also offer an on-going Individualized Ayurveda Consultation and Cleanse with Maribeth MacKenzie, Certified Chopra Center Ayurveda Perfect Health Practitioner.
Click here to jump start your mindfulness practice using Oprah & Deepak’s 21-Day Meditation Experience.
Remember, the work of yoga is never done and must be carried off the mat into your world in order for you to receive all the benefits. Be mindful of the ways you eat, breathe, drink and live to heal yourself from the inside out.
Be patient, gracious, and forgiving with yourself and take it one OM at a time.