Not only can a consistent yoga practice lead to lasting results, it can help to prevent future problems. A regular yoga practice can help address mental and physical ailments and prevent future complications because it keeps your body and mind flexible and healthy.
Here are some of the benefits of a consistent yoga practice:
-breath awareness, which helps maintain energy, strength, and relieves stress
-spine flexibility and healthy connective tissue
-helps you remain calm, present and mindful, which is helpful while coping with times of stress or illness
-relief from physical discomforts due to improved posture and circulation
-improvement in how your brain processes neurotransmitters; enhances endorphins and dopamine (literally makes you “feel good”)
-boost self-confidence, makes you feel accomplished and empowered so you are less likely to engage in unhealthy habits that prevent you from living a happy, healthy life
-clears your head so you can find balance
These are just some of the benefits of a consistent yoga practice. Keep in mind that the key word here is consistent. Consistency is the key to receiving the full benefits of yoga, to being the best version of you that you can be.
Join your friends at Inlet Yoga as we celebrate National Yoga Month by joining our 30-day Yoga Challenge! Use the opportunity to celebrate the gift of yoga as you kick-start your own consistent practice. Click Here to sign up.